Mr. Genini ser på den amerikanske historia og vil plassera Trump, dersom han får fire nye år, oppe blant dei verkeleg store presidentane.
Mr. Genini ser på den amerikanske historia og vil plassera Trump, dersom han får fire nye år, oppe blant dei verkeleg store presidentane.
For fire år sidan las eg ei FB-oppdatering som skuffa meg, men mest av alt gjorde meg nysgjerrig. Ein av mine velutdanna, litt eksentriske, utradisjonelle og hyggelege high school-lærarar frå AFS-året mitt i USA i 1982, skreiv at han ville ha seg fråbedd at alle trudde det berre var folk utan utdanning som røysta på Trump. Var det verkeleg mogeleg?! Var Mr. Genini ein av dei som støtta Trump? Kva meiner han fire år etter?
Me er venner på Facebook. Han er no pensjonist, men «still kicking» som han seier, og gleder mange med daglege FB-oppdateringar der han skriv om historiske hendingar frå heile verda – kvar dag gjennom heile året.
Eg utfordra han til å skriva kvifor han støtta Trump, og om han framleis gjer det. Han tok utfordringa på strak arm.
«OK. What exactly are you interested in? You know my wife and I support Trump. You must understand that anything I write will be slanted that way. Does this group (Norpublica) believe in free speech, free expression og opinion?»
«Absolutely!» skriv eg. Det er nettopp det Norpublica er tufta på.
Eg sender over spørsmål eg gjerne ville ha svar på, og seier han kan skriva så langt han vil. Målet mitt er ikkje å overtyda han om at han tek feil, men prøva å forstå kvifor amerikanarar heiar på ein person som Trump.
Her er det Mr. Genini skreiv. Uredigert.
Påstandar Mr. Genini kjem med i teksten må sjåast på som hans personlege meiningar og stå for hans rekning.(Redaktøren sin merknad)
Dette er del 4 av 4:
Fresno, 10.sept 2020
Of the 45 presidents who have served since George Washington, there have been (in my opinion) 8 great presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Reagan) and 5 worthless ones (Tyler, Buchanan, Harding, G W Bush and Obama).
If Trump is re-elected, I would place him with the great ones. Trump has been sui generis, no other president has been like him in that he did not come from the typical political or military background of most of the others; he deals with the government as a businessman and I am not the only American who finds this refreshing. He calls things as he sees them nor does he follow the traditional game-plan in the capital, ignoring political expediency. He doesn’t tolerate the government’s inefficiencies and doesn’t accept the business-as-usual attitude that dominated the capital for so long. Other presidents have shown tendencies to this: Jefferson, a strict constructionist in interpreting the Constitution, jumped at the chance to buy Louisiana when Napoleon offered to sell it, even though there was no mention of such practices in the Constitution. Jackson, despite actions I never thought were admirable (such as killing the Bank of the United States and forcing the Indian removal known as the “Trail of Tears”), followed through on his pledges to open financial and political opportunities to the common people.
Trump shows an almost super-human energy, something not seen it the White House since Theodore Roosevelt.
I would say that in the 20th century, Franklin Roosevelt and Nixon (although disgraced in his 2nd term) had the most successful 1st terms of any of the men who served; Roosevelt was able to build on that into his 2nd term and despite Nixon’s accomplishments in his 1st term, he was forced to resign. In any case, seeing Trump’s accomplishments combined with his driving personality, I am sure that his 2nd term will be triumphant. Lincoln, faced with a Civil War and Franklin Roosevelt, faced with the Great Depression, forcefully jumped right into the problems with a determination to end them – and did. For his part, Franklin Roosevelt, handicapped with polio, did not let that keep him from doing all in his power to reform the financial system to make future depressions nearly impossible, and to unite the nation to fight in World War II.
Trump is similar – he sees the rot that was in the government and is trying to clean it out. Naturally, the ones affected, scream in protest. Hopefully, he will succeed.
Mr. Genini