9 bøker du bør lese

Den amerikanske bibliotekaren Julia E. Torres har gitt oss en liste over bøker man bør lese hvis man vil forstå den pågående rasismedebatten bedre.

  1. “How to be an antiracist”. Ibram X. Kendi
  2. “Stamped”. Ibram X. Kendi og Jason Reynolds
  3. “This book is antiracist”. Tiffany Jewell
  4. “The unspoken thruth of our racial devide. White rage”. Carol Anderson
  5. “White fragility”. Robin Diangelo
  6. Teaching to transgress. Education as the Prcatice of freedom”. bell hooks
  7. “Borderlands”. Gloria Anzaldúa
  8. “Not light, but fire. How to lead meaningful race conversations in the classroom”. Matthew R. Key
  9. “So you want to talk about race”. Ijeoma Oluo

Tips fra Julia E. Torres, bibliotekar og foredragsholder, USA